MACS Logo transparentAbout MACS

The Medieval Armed Combat Society (MACS) has been going since 2001, and is dedicated to accurate recreation of Medieval and Early Modern fighting styles. Originally based in central Johannesburg, MACS is now based in central Pretoria. Over the last 15 years, MACS has been an active group both nationally and internationally, with some of its instructors regular attending international events. MACS offers a wide range of weapons and a broad knowledge base, as well as a fun interactive experience.

Classes from June

Wednesday- 6pm- 8pm

  • German Longsword, followed by a variety of weapons and sparring

Sundays- 11.30am till 1pm

  • Fiore study group- wrestling, daggerwork, swords and polearms

Beginners Courses and Open Days held regularly- check our Events or contact

Some classes may have limited space, so contact the instructor ahead of time to reserve a space. Other study groups and displays may be possible; talk to us at

All classes are hosted at NG Pierneef in Villieria, Pretoria, at the corner of Pierneef and 26th Street. Interested parties are asked to please contact us and join us at an open day, rather than visit the regular classes.

MACS Basic Rules

1) Attendance at class is at the instructor’s discretion.

2) The instructor sets the rules, and has the right to evict someone who doesn’t follow them.

3) Please inform the instructor if you are not going to make a class.

4) New people will normally be asked to do a Beginner’s Course with Anja first, unless there are extenuating circumstances (and only at the instructor’s say-so). The cost of a beginner’s course varies, so contact Anja.

5) R200 for one class per week or R300 for two classes per week.

6) Sparring will form part of every class, so students should bring all protective equipment to every class.

7) Extra weapons are available for classes, but the instructor must be informed of the need the day before the class.

8) Alcohol and other stimulants should be avoided before a class as safety while wielding swords is important